Private Lessons

My Pupils in Action

Private lessons for painting and drawing: two hours (120 min)70 euro

Pre-paid ticket for ten visits (650 Euro), equivalent to a basic course in drawing and painting

Different tools for working with paint: besides brushes, also twigs, spatulas, rugs and fingers may be used in acrylic painting.

An interesting combination: life-like fish drawn in detail
with watercolour pencils and a fine washing brush
on canvas structured freely with acrylic colours
Eine interessante Verbindung: detailliert gezeichnete, naturgetreue Fische
(Aquarellstift und feiner Pinsel zum Lavieren)
auf einem völlig frei strukturierten Grund aus Acrylfarbe auf Leinwand

Mixed media acrylic colours with watercolour pencil.

Drawing a self-portrait with pencil in front of the mirror...

Painting with acrylic colours guided by a photo...